Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I've been brought to tears but . . .

I'm in Cincinnati right now. I wish I wasn't here. Not that it isn't a nice town (it's actually much lovelier than I expected) but I would really rather be home. Anyway . . .

I have a question for you, Internet (and I don't mean to be blasphemous or anything, I'm being serious here) - what does it mean to bring someone "to the Lord"? I'm asking because I sat next to a perfectly lovely woman on the plane. She was telling me about her visit with her grand kids in Florida and then she said "And then I got to bring my two grandsons to the Lord. And it was just a double blessing." And then she sat back and smiled at me in a way that clearly indicated that she thought I would know what she was talking about. I've heard about people "going to the Lord" when they're dead. I'm certain that she didn't mean that she killed her grandsons. She said the two boys are 14 and 18 - does it mean they were baptized?

I'm not anti-religion, but I'm not religious. Spiritual, yes. Religious, no. You can tell from this post that there's not a lot of talk about God in our house. Maybe I'm sensitive about it, but religious people seem to talk about religion to perfect strangers as if they expect that person to be as religious as they are. This woman is from Arkansas so there's a good chance that many of the people she comes across near her home are Christian. So maybe it's not such a stretch for her to imagine that the person she's speaking to is Christian as well. To be honest, I was really worried that the next thing out of her mouth was going to be "Have you accepted the Lord, Jesus Christ into your life?" I don't know what I would have done except thank the Lord (no pun intended) that it was only a 45 minute flight.


Anonymous said...

It means that you explain to them how to turn their will and their life over to Jesus. That's about the simplest way to explain it. I wish Christians didn't use so much jargon.

Why were you in Cinci? Too bad we couldn't have met for a drink.

dodo said...

the lord ordered out?

SlackerMom said...

Sheryl -Thanks for the explanation. I'm in Cinci for a business meeting. I stayed at the Cincinnatian which was really nice. We had dinner at the Phoenix which was delicious. Best creme brulee I've had outside of Montreal!

Bimbo said...

I wish someone would bring me to the Lord (fascetious). I have a lot of questions for It (serious).